Bharat Express


Harman said that the attacks started when he posted a video on TikTok. He said, "This Khalistan movement started a while back and then it died down.

The suspect of the incident is still under arrest on suspicion of possession of an offensive weapon and cordons were put in place...

The barricades were created as the handles for the commuters but the security of the British embassy is intact, says police official

Following the vandalism, a number of diaspora organizations gathered for a celebratory "We Stand By High Commission of India" protest

According to a report, the book claims that Princess Diana faced the same medical examinations before her wedding to Prince Charles in 1981

More than 1,000 high-growth London companies are said to have benefited from the London Mayor's International Business Programme's assistance

Govind Dholakia was also honoured at the UK House of Lords on Tuesday

Rijiju this time took a strong stance and said the "self-declared" Congress prince has crossed all the limits."

The London police heavily patrolled the area around the US embassy with arms and sniffer dogs

London woke up this morning on Monday, December 12, 2022 to a blanket of snow covering the city. Across London, snow began to fall yesterday evening, accumulating enough of the white stuff for some to make snowballs or have snowball fights. Temperatures dropped to -1C in some parts of the city and the night was …