Bharat Express


“They report high waves and strong wind. Still, no rescue is in sight!” Alarm Phone tweeted on Monday.

The political party of Italian PM, Giorgia Meloni has proposed to impose a fine worth 1 Cr Indian rupees, which is a lot and the same will be imposed for the use of foreign languages especially, English rather than Italian.

The US start-up OpenAI, which is backed by Microsoft, created a model that has raised privacy concerns, according to the Italian data-protection authority.

In the times when ChatGPT has become all-pervasive and a go-to solution for one and all. This Artificial Intelligent (AI) platform is facing a major setback since Italy has banned it.

The radio report said vessels from the coast guard, border police and firefighters were involved in rescue efforts...

Giorgia Meloni won a clear majority in Sunday’s Italian election, setting herself up to become the country’s first female prime minister at the head of the most right-wing government since World War II. Her alliance, which also includes Matteo Salvini’s League and Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia, claimed about 43% of the vote, according to projections …