Bharat Express


Iran, which financially and militarily backs Hamas, has hailed the militant group's October 7 attack on Israel as a success but denied any involvement

Iran's Revolutionary Guards seized a container ship related to Israel in the Gulf, diverted it towards Iran's territorial seas

Israeli Defence Minister pledged immediate response to Iranian attacks, while the Pentagon affirmed US commitment to Israel's security against Iran and its proxies

India has pushed for the Chabahar port project to enhance regional trade

IRGC-affiliated actors calling themselves 'CyberAv3ngers' have hijacked Unitronics devices

This self-defense strike resulted in multiple enemy KIA

The province's chief justice Esmail Sadeghi has initiated an investigation

Austin attempted to separate the strikes against IRGC sites in Syria from the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas

"Russia believes that the world will grow weary and allow it to brutalize Ukraine without consequence", Says Biden

Washington previously sanctioned five Chinese firms and one individual for selling and shipping aircraft components, including parts for drones