Bharat Express


"This is not just a meeting of elites, It is not just about technology,This is a relationship that is based on the people-to-people level," US-India

The active cases now comprise 0.13 per cent of the total infections and the national COVID-19 recovery rate was 98.68 per cent, says ministry

COVID-19 | India Records 10,093 New Cases In 24 hours; Active Caseload Stands At 57,542

Later on, Modi added, The work which should have been done immediately after independence has not been done till now.

Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh. Kerala reconciled five virus-related deaths.

Dzhaparova, on the other hand, stated unequivocally that Ukraine is not in a position to ask India how it maintains its economic contacts with other countries

India has always maintained that Arunachal Pradesh is an integral part of the country, and China's innovative nomenclature will not affect the ground reality

The Grand event Of G20 Will Be Organised In The Blessed City Of Srinagar, J&K On 22nd to 24th May

South Korea's officials say its homegrown Nuri space launch vehicle has no military purposes.

Sitharaman said violence prevails against Muhajirs, Shias, and other minority groups in Pakistan, whereas, in India, every strand of the Muslim community is doing its business.