Bharat Express

India news

Arvind Kejriwal has said that he will appear before the ED after March 12 through video conferencing.

The individual was observed suspiciously hanging around a motorbike near a bank by a police unit on night patrol.

Reddy attacked his parents violently on Sunday as hostilities between him and his parents grew more intense.

Delhi has witnessed several dig bite incidents in the last few weeks.

The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has gathered personnel and equipment to clear the roadway for one-way traffic, the officials said.

According to police officials, forensic teams are gathering evidence, and tests will determine the precise reason behind the explosion.

Asaram's attorney requested for bail, claiming that his client, who is over 80 years old and afflicted with terrible illnesses, has been imprisoned for the previous nine years.

The Indian Medical Association (IMA) cited several advertisements that purportedly painted allopathy and its practitioners in a negative light.

Public wants to know if Sitharaman delivers a populist budget that gives the average person more money, or if she sticks to the fiscal glide path and reduces the deficit to 4.5% of GDP by 2025–2026.

The ruling highlighted the Hindu community's inalienable right to unhindered religious exercise.