Bharat Express

crude oil

Diesel Export Duty Eliminated and Windfall Tax on Local Crude Revised to Rs 6,400

After the decline, WTI crude has reached nearly $79 per barrel and Brent crude is near $84 per barrel...

India Eyes Buying Russian Crude Above Price Cap Amid OPEC+ Output Cut

Attractive Urals prices translate into high margins for Indian refiners, and term agreements between Russian and Indian enterprises and lower freight charges also contribute to maintaining an adequate supply.

Any changes in petrol and diesel costs are implemented from 6 am every day...

The researchers devised a method to slow that process, resulting in longer polymer chains and thus a stronger material known as poly(ethyl cyanoacrylate) or PECA

The oil price soared and surpasses USD 85 per barrel, whereas, the price of Brent crude oil surged over $5 a barrel or 7%, to over $85 as trading began

In the national capital, the petrol rates at Rs 96.72 per litre and diesel costs Rs 89.62 per litre...

Numerous factors impact the cost of fuel price. These include the rate at which the rupee to the US dollar is exchanged, the price of crude oil, global cues, the demand for fuel, and so on

In the national capital, Delhi the petrol rate is Rs 96.72 per litre, whereas diesel costs Rs 89.62 per litre...