Bharat Express

Crime Against Women

With the set up of these Pink booths, More safer the cities will be and with this CM Yogi's dream of making Uttar Pradesh a safe paradise will be moving a step closer. 

Umesh Mishra, director general of police (DGP), said that she was abducted by her in-laws and taken to their village, where the atrocity occurred. He said that she was staying with another man, which irritated her in-laws....

The incident took place on Sunday, according to the police. As the victim's health started to decline, her coworkers decided to admit her to Delhi's Safdarjung Hospital

On the night of August 14, she was fast sleeping when she heard a commotion around two in the morning. When she looked up, she saw a masked man in his mid-twenties standing in the living room.

The girl and her mother had gone to graze the goats in the fields on Wednesday morning, according to the police. The girl did not make it back when her mother came home in the afternoon.

At least 90,113 young women under the age of 18 were among the 375,058 women above the age of 18 who were reported missing nationwide in 2021.

Delhi Police is now reaching out to girls and women, especially those belonging to the vulnerable section of society, to educate them about their legal rights and how they can act against the perpetrators..