Bharat Express


Today, with the introduction of structural reforms, India is being considered a strong alternative to China and an attractive destination for manufacturing by various industries and countries

The meeting will be held against the backdrop of media reports about Chinese insistence on a buffer zone, which would be detrimental to India’s strategic interests.

The flight from Shanghai to Beijing took roughly two hours and twenty-five minutes

This time around, the primary goal for G7 leaders at the Hiroshima Summit was to discuss China

NATO Plus, currently NATO Plus 5, is a security arrangement that brings together NATO and five aligned nations – Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Israel, and South Korea – to boost global defence cooperation.

The Chinese fashion giant’s platform was banned in India in June 2020 as part of government's ban on dozens of Chinese apps amid border tensions

The $484 million Kaladan Multimodal Transit Transport Project (KMTTP), which includes the project, was constructed with grant funding from India.

During his visit, Modi will engage in talks with his Australian counterpart, Prime Minister Albanese, and deliver an address to Australia’s Indian diaspora, a vibrant and diverse community of over 800,000 individuals.

When asked if CICA can mediate between India and China, Sarybay said that it depends upon the wishes of the two sides.

Li Hui will be received by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov