Bharat Express


Elon Musk Establishes X.AI Corp to Compete Against ChatGPT

According to a study by Home Security Heroes, almost 51% of all the common passwords can be easily cracked by AI in Less than 60 seconds.

The US start-up OpenAI, which is backed by Microsoft, created a model that has raised privacy concerns, according to the Italian data-protection authority.

In the times when ChatGPT has become all-pervasive and a go-to solution for one and all. This Artificial Intelligent (AI) platform is facing a major setback since Italy has banned it.

Google plans to roll out various AI features to its products in the near future

Google had been reluctant to make strides in language-based AI..

Artificial intelligence (AI) has improved a lot over the years and one of the things that have become huge is generative AI, which uses data that you input such as text and images to output more content. AI research laboratory OpenAI has announced ChatGPT, an AI chat interface based on the GPT-3 family of large …