Bharat Express


The RBI announced its participation in Project Nexus with four ASEAN countries to establish a platform for cross-border retail payments.

Since October 2021, ASEAN has barred junta leaders from attending summits and ministerial meetings and the generals have declined invitations to send non-political representatives

“This year's theme is ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth. ASEAN matters because here everyone's voice is heard & ASEAN is epicentrum of growth because ASEAN plays an important role in global growth,” PM Modi said.

PM Modi requested that his ministers refrain from making any comments about the name change during the meeting. He reportedly said, "Do not comment," according to sources.

The Prime Minister is visiting Jakarta at the invitation of the Indonesian President, Joko Widodo. “My first engagement will be the 20th ASEAN-India Summit.

The Summit will assess India-ASEAN relations and map the future course of cooperation

The panel upheld the Philippines' lawsuit against China and ruled that Beijing's reclamation efforts in Philippine waters and its nine-dash line, which asserts authority over 90% of SCS waters, are illegal.

China has been describing Quad as a bloc akin to Nato, although Quad is not a military alliance and India has no plans to enter into a military pact in the region.

The ASEAN-India Maritime Exercise (AIME-2023) will provide an opportunity for the Indian Navy and ASEAN navies to work closely with each other and conduct seamless operations in the maritime domain, the defence ministry said.

Deciding by consensus “does not mean that ASEAN should remain silent over developments in member states that affect the wider region or particularly egregious violations of the ASEAN charter by its own members,” Anwar said.