Bharat Express


The decreased visibility in the nation's capital affected train operations. Several flight were delayed well.

Central Government, on Monday, opted not to implement more stringent measures to address pollution in Delhi-NCR, despite forecasts indicating that air quality in the region is expected to reach 'severe' levels on January 30.

Fight against air pollution has never been easier when today we come to know the life saving significance of Yagya as a part of daily life..

Gopal Rai, the environment minister for Delhi, announced on that the odd-even vehicle rationing scheme has been temporarily suspended

Smile, you are in Delhi, the country’s burning sensation welcomes you. Breathe and feel the poison in the air. Do not sue the state government, they are too busy..

Pollution is poison and the National Capital & NCR area is full of poison all around. People here may be accustomed to it but they are not immortal..

Delhi NCR's air quality has deteriorated to the “severe plus” category, it’s crucial to take precautions to protect oneself from pollution...

AQI turns "severe" after which the 23 crore Smog Tower opened in 2021 in Delhi's Cannaught place turns non-operational...

Indian cities pollution makes players from England use Inhalers to breathe good air

Monday's air quality in Delhi declined, but it was still classified as extremely poor because of the persistently bad effects of calm breezes on the dispersion of pollutants...