Bharat Express


After British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Ireland's PM Leo Varadkar is the latest example of this. Wherever Indian people have settled, they have reached the highest peak in every field of that country..

The US exit from Afghanistan has been too chaotic, now after one year US President Joe Biden is reluctant to admire Afghanistan. As the historical American mistake the Taliban country still haunts the US Army.

Being 27th of November, the date reminds us of the birth day of the one and only martial-art legend Bruce Lee. Let us all remember him with his mesmeric artistry and learn something out of that for our lives too, if possible. What it means to be Bruce Lee is almost similar to what it …

Thanksgiving in India doesn’t make a lot of sense except this incessant need to ape the west. It is not a religious event and is in fact an American holiday to celebrate the allegedly peaceful meal shared by the pilgrims (the colonising Europeans) and the Natives( the tribal original native American community). Nothing can be …

This news is the worst news of the year for Pakistan. American President has termed it as ‘one of the most dangerous nations’. Not only Joe Biden said it, he also explained it. US President Joe Biden has a huge message with what he said on Pakistan. He states Pakistan is one of the most …

Neo-American fantasies for Pakistan seems fetching the Cold War Eurasia strategy back. Thanks to the new America of Joe Biden. The sources say that the American Congress was secretly notified by Biden administration on the plans to supply for Pakistan supporting  Pakistan’s ageing F-16 fleet. And this was also not mentioned at the two-day 2+2 …

Just a couple of days ago America has cleared FMS for Pakistan with opening gates again on another huge financial support for the nation known as the Global Terror Factory. Comprehending the hints, India was mulling over reacting on the development. Now the reaction is loud and clear proving India’s unfailing commitment towards its safety …

Donald Trump still is one of the topmost leaders of the United States as well as the globe. His words of admiration attracted media attention worldwide. Trump says, ‘‘Prime Minister Modi is a great man and he is doing a terrific Job.’’ This is another global triumph of India. Surrounded by media-men, the former American …

Tupelo (Mississippi). Apparently it seems to be a heavy security breach in America while a news of an attempted plane hijack is fetching high attention. As per the info a pilot has stolen an American plan and is now  threatening to crash it into Walmart. This seemingly seems to be another terror attack in the …

Amid China tensions this is a huge good news for Taiwan. Though China will certainly not like it still America is mincing no words in supporting Taiwan literally and figuratively. Following House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s defiant visit to Taiwan, America has prompted China for pretending to launch a show of force against Taiwan. And this …