Bharat Express

Alexei Navalny

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny's burial ceremony in Moscow is set for Friday, with thousands risking detention to pay their respects, following his death in an Arctic prison

Navalny's team had filed a lawsuit to acquire the body on Friday, alleging local detectives threatened to bury him on prison grounds if his mother refused a secret funeral

Biden expressed condolences for the loss and praised Navalny's legacy of courage

UK Foreign Minister David Cameron has imposed sanctions on six individuals responsible for the death of Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny, freezing assets and imposing travel bans

Yulia Navalnaya's X account was temporarily disabled following her husband's death, Alexei Navalny, who claimed Putin killed him, but the account was later restored

Russia also criticized the EU's appeal for an international investigation into Navalny's death and stated that law enforcement agencies are acting as per the law

Biden and Western allies have implemented extraordinary sanctions to curb Moscow's involvement in Ukraine, while also providing Kyiv with weapons and assistance

Yulia Navalnaya accused Putin of murdering her husband, Alexei Navalny, who died in a Russian Arctic prison

Biden and Putin continue to be at odds over Russia's invasion of Ukraine two years ago

Speaking to a gathering of Canadian business leaders, Trudeau lauded Navalny's extraordinary courage in advocating for basic freedoms, for democracy