Former Indian cricket captain and World Cup winner, Kapil Dev, released the poetry collection Udaan by cricket commentator and poet Padamjit Sehrawat on Tuesday at the India International Center in New Delhi. During the event, Kapil Dev shared his thoughts on passion and success, emphasizing that when a person turns their passion into their profession, the concept of struggle becomes irrelevant. He explained, “Passion does not have struggle; it is driven by one’s own desire and happiness.” He further stated that instead of trying to impress others, it is essential to first understand oneself, as self-recognition is the key to achieving success.
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Kapil Dev also shared a light-hearted moment during his speech, joking, “There is no bigger thief than a cricketer; he steals runs.” Despite the humor, he highlighted the positive attitude toward life found in Sehrawat’s poems.
In Udaan, Sehrawat, known for his motivational outlook, offers new and inspiring ways to live life, reflecting his optimistic approach to challenges.
Padamjit Sehrawat Discusses The Message Behind ‘Udaan’
Padamjit Sehrawat, who is also a singer, musician, and motivational speaker, spoke about his poetry collection, explaining that his poems aim to guide readers to move forward by drawing inspiration from various life situations. Sehrawat’s work in Udaan encourages individuals to find strength and direction in the face of adversity.
In addition to his poetry and cricket commentary, Sehrawat has participated in prestigious tournaments like the Ranji Trophy and Deodhar Trophy. His extensive experience in both sports and the arts has shaped his unique approach to motivation, blending music, poetry, and life lessons. Sehrawat’s singing style and thought-provoking messages provide new energy and confidence, offering people hope and inspiration during challenging times.
Through the release of Udaan, Sehrawat aims to inspire others with his powerful words and to encourage individuals to embrace the journey of life with positivity and perseverance.
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