Uttar Pradesh government has lifted restrictions on late-evening or night-time classes at coaching centres for girls and women. Special Secretary Akhilesh Kumar Mishra circulated a notice that said the guidelines issued on August 30 as part of the Safe City project for 17 municipal corporations and Noida (Gautam Buddha Nagar) — comprising most urban areas of the state — stood cancelled.
PM Modi had an engaging conversation with Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath, where he emphasized the…
CM Adityanath inaugurated Kala Kumbh in Sector 7, an exhibition highlighting UP’s cultural heritage and…
The SC ordered that the notice issued by the Sambhal Nagar Palika regarding the well…
Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya attended the mega conclave 'Maha Kumbh: Mahatmya…
The SC declined to interfere with the Allahabad HC's decision to consolidate all suits in…
Despite a slowdown in 2024, India’s long-term growth outlook stays strong. The report suggests that…