On 2nd January, 2024, Prime Minister will reach Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu. He will be the Chief Guest at the 38th Convocation Ceremony of Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli. At around 12 Noon, at a public programme in Tiruchirappalli, Prime Minister will inaugurate, dedicate the nation and lay the foundation stone of multiple development projects worth more than Rs 19,850 crore related to aviation, rail, road, oil and gas, shipping and higher education sectors. At around 3:15 PM, Prime Minister will reach Agatti, Lakshadweep where he will address a public function. On 3rd January, 2024, at around 12 Noon, Prime Minister will reach Kavaratti, Lakshadweep, where he will dedicate to nation and lay the foundation stone of multiple development projects in Lakshadweep related to sectors such as telecommunications, drinking water, solar power and health, among others,: PMO
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