BSE Sensex and Nifty50 tanked in trade today morning. While BSE Sensex plunged 600 points, Nifty50 slipped below 21,600. At 10 AM, BSE Sensex was trading at 70,980.93, down 574 points or 0.80%. Nifty50 was at 21,579.45, down 164 points or 0.75%.
The 60th birthday of Acharya Pramod Krishnam, the Peethadheeshwar of Shri Kalki Dham in Sambhal,…
In a remarkable milestone for India’s digital payments ecosystem, Unified Payments Interface (UPI) transactions hit…
Indian and foreign airlines carried a total of 64.5 million international passengers, marking an impressive…
I recently watched an episode of one of my favourite TV shows, the Good Doctor.…
A recent study has unveiled the significant strides made by India’s toy industry, highlighting a…
Bulgarian director Konstantin Bojanov's bold and provocative Hindi film The Shameless has been making waves…