In a jubilant display of pride and celebration, the small village of Khandra in Haryana’s Panipat district was abuzz with festivities on Friday. The occasion was the remarkable achievement of Neeraj Chopra, who clinched the silver medal in the men’s javelin throw final at the 2024 Paris Olympics.
Chopra’s family, renowned in their village for their warmth and hospitality, marked the occasion with traditional celebrations. The athlete’s mother, Saroj Devi, expressed immense pride and grace, acknowledging the victory of Arshad Nadeem of Pakistan, who won the gold medal. “I am happy with the silver. The guy who got gold (Arshad Nadeem) is also my child. Everyone who competes works very hard,” she told reporters.
Chopra’s father, Satish Kumar, echoed sentiments of pride despite the narrow loss. “Today was Pakistan’s day in the men’s javelin final,” he remarked. “Everyone has their day. But we have won silver, and that is a source of great pride for us.” He also noted that Chopra’s injury may have impacted his performance.
Chopra’s final throw reached 89.45 metres, just short of Nadeem’s impressive 92.97 metres. Despite falling short of retaining his Olympic gold medal, Chopra’s performance continues to be celebrated as a significant achievement.
Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini
In a heartfelt message, Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini took to social media platform X to congratulate Chopra. “The whole country had hopes and expectations from you, and you lived up to them. You have created history by winning the silver medal for the country in Paris,” Saini wrote. He praised Chopra’s consistency in performing at the highest level across two consecutive Olympics and noted the pride felt by both Haryana and the nation.
Chopra, born on December 24, 1997, in Khandra to Satish and Saroj Devi, grew up in a close-knit family of farmers. His early years in the joint family of 19 members, including his three uncles, provided a strong foundation for his future success.
However, the Chopras celebrated with a traditional distribution of laddoos to friends, relatives, and neighbors, marking this momentous occasion with joy and communal pride.