The jungle of digital creators witnesses growing popularity of digital pet influencers meaning big bucks for the influencers
The creator economy boom has led to the birth of digital stars becoming celebrities like no one could have imagined.Anyone who understands content and can create content that is palatable to the digital consumer can be a star.
In the jungle of digital creators there is the growing popularity of digital pet influencers. This means big bucks for the influencer. But what does it mean for the animals?
While there might be genuine love in some cases. There are others who only care about the animal when the camera is on. They consider the animal as a money making machine and make it do all kinds of crazy things just for some likes and views.
There is no regulation in place to keep abuse, yes abuse that a lot of animals go through at the hands of pet influencers. It is a sad state of affairs where these animals have been reduced to show animals and are made to shoot ads and perform.
They are even shouted at for ruining a shoot or not looking cute enough. Some people have started buying animals only that will be good for content and they don’t care about the animals otherwise.
These animals are tired and even being made to do things without their consent. I am not saying there aren’t those pet influencers who genuinely love their pets but there is a large number who just see the dough and not dog or animal.
There are no regulations and checks in place while the payment cheques get bigger and bigger. Issued in animal interest as an appeal to the The Animal Welfare Board of India and even Animal Welfare foundations globally to rescue the animals from this new kind of abuse at the hands of humans.
If you see any animal being abused by an influencer do call them out online.
Let us influence through the power of digital media to create a better world for all living beings!
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