Bharat Express

Suffering From A Heartbreak? Know The Reason Behind The Pain

According to scientific reports, there is a physiological explanation for why heartbreak can be such a painful experience…


Your Heartbreak has a reason

Most of the movies show love as the most fantastic and amazing feeling in the world. The person feels all the happiness in the world when he/she falls in love. Since every coin has two sides, this also has the same. After you fall out of a relationship, you feel utmost pain. The pain is largely felt in the heart. It does have a scientific explanation to it. Similar kinds of emotions are triggered after a closed one’s demise. The separation can make a person very unhappy. This is referred to as heartbreak in general language. All such pains are more or less related and of come with a scientific explanation.

Doctors explain heartbreak

According to scientific reports, there is a physiological explanation for why heartbreak can be such a painful experience and symptoms aren’t just in the mind, said Dr. Deborah Lee, a medical writer for the Dr. Fox Online Pharmacy in England.

“When you fall in love, there is a natural outpouring of hormones. These include the ‘cuddle’ hormone oxytocin and the ‘feel-good’ hormone dopamine,” she said. “But when you fall out of love, levels of oxytocin and dopamine drop, while at the same time, there is an increase in levels of one of the hormones responsible for stress – cortisol,” Dr. Lee explained.

The medical expert claims that these elevated cortisol levels can play a role in illnesses like high blood pressure, weight gain, acne, and elevated anxiety. According to her, social rejection, such as splitting up with a spouse, also triggers brain regions linked to physical pain.

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You might have ‘broken heart syndrome’

Broken Heart Syndrome, also known as Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a rare case where the feeling of a heartbreak can be a medical condition too. It is typically a temporary heart ailment brought on by extreme physical or emotional stress. It temporarily alters how the heart pumps blood and, on occasion, makes the heart work harder, which is frequently felt as chest pain.

This syndrome generally is triggered once only. A major amount of the population gets over this pain within a few days. However, it has also led to deaths in a small number of cases.