Bharat Express

Cardamom Syrup Will Keep The Body Cool In The Scorching Heat

Cardamom syrup not only will you be protected from the heat wave, but it will also give you a feeling of instant freshness and energy.

Cardamom Syrup

Cardamom Syrup Will Keep The Body Cool In The Scorching Heat

By consuming cardamom syrup, not only will you be protected from the heat wave, but it will also give you a feeling of instant freshness and energy. Let’s know how to make cardamom syrup.

How To Make Elaichi Juice: It is very important to keep the body hydrated in the summer season. These days health experts recommend drinking drinks like ORS, coconut water and lemonade. But do you know that cardamom syrup is also very beneficial in the summer season. By consuming it, not only will you be protected from the heat wave, but it will also give you a feeling of instant freshness and energy. In such a situation, today we have brought a special recipe for making cardamom syrup for you. This drink also provides relief in gas and acidity. Let’s know how to make cardamom syrup.

Also Read: Weight Loss Tips: These 4 Types Of Juices Reduce Weight Rapidly

Ingredients to make cardamom syrup-

  1. 2 tsp cardamom powder

2. 1/2 tsp black salt

3. 2 lemon slices

4. Sugar as per taste

5. 2 tsp lemon juice

6. 2 glasses of cold water

7. Ice cubes as per requirement

How to make cardamom syrup :

First of all, grind or crush cardamom to make powder.

Then take 4 cups of cold water in a vessel and add sugar as per taste.

Now add lemon juice, black salt and cardamom powder to it.

Then add ice cubes to it and keep it in the fridge to cool.

Your tasty cardamom syrup is ready.

Now garnish it with lemon slices and serve it cold.