How to prepare Beetroot Raita
Beetroot Raita: Today we have brought for you the recipe of making beetroot raita, which gives instant coolness to the body as well as makes you feel energetic. Let’s know the recipe of making beetroot raita in very simple steps.
How to prepare this Raita: Summer season has started. During this time, due to intense heat and sun, one feels like eating something cold. In such a situation, today we have brought you the recipe of making a raita of Beetroot, which gives instant coolness to the body as well as makes you feel energetic. This is not only delicious but is also ready in no time.
Now let’s know the simple recipe of making this type of raita:-
Ingredients for making Raita :-
1. 2 Chopped Beetroot
2. Red chili powder 3/4 teaspoon
3. Salt
4. Cumin powder 3/4 teaspoon Roasted
5. Curd 3 cups
6. Mint leaves 2 sprigs
How to make Raita :-
First of all steam or boil the beetroot and make it soft.
Now peel it and cut it into fine pieces.
Then add curd, roasted cumin powder, red chilli powder and salt in a bowl.
Now mix all these ingredients till the curd becomes smooth.
Then add finely chopped pieces of beetroot to the curd and mix well.
Now keep it in the fridge to cool.
Your tasty-healthy beetroot raita is ready.
Now garnish it with mint leaves and serve it cold.
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