Bharat Express

Apparels: The strings of luck also connected with clothes, know things before buying and wearing new clothes

Apparels: Due to lack of proper information about the right time and period to buy and wear clothes, it not only affects our physical and mental energy, but there is also a possibility of economic loss..

New Clothes

New Clothes' impact on people via Astrology

Apparels: It is believed that clothes are not only related to a person’s self-confidence, but in the changing times, clothes are also becoming a factor of his identity. There was a time when clothes used to be a medium to cover the body, but today new trends of fashion are being seen in the changing times.

Apparels: A different type of competition is also seen in the society regarding clothes. In such a situation, people have started buying clothes according to their mind at any time and day. There was a time when old people used to see an auspicious time and time for everything. Even when new clothes should be worn and when they should not be worn, they were also aware of this.

Apparels: If seen, due to lack of proper information about the right time and period to buy and wear clothes, it not only affects our physical and mental energy, but there is also a possibility of economic loss.

Astrologists says that in astrology, the moon has been considered a factor for new clothes and wear. That’s why when we wear clothes in different Nakshatras, its combination with the Moon has many auspicious and inauspicious effects.

Significant Nakshatras 

Talking about Nakshatras, the number of such Nakshatras which are very auspicious for wearing clothes is 11, while there are 16 Nakshatra periods when there is a possibility of negative effects of wearing clothes.

Auspicious constellations

Ashwani and Chitra Nakshatras are such that if you wear new clothes during this period, there is a possibility of getting new clothes apart from those clothes. Apart from this, it is considered auspicious to wear clothes in Rohini, Pushya, Northern Falguni, Hasta and Swati constellations.

Apart from Visakha Nakshatra, Anuradha Nakshatra and Dhanishtha Nakshatra, wearing clothes in Revati Nakshatra keeps the possibility of monetary gains. There is a tradition of buying clothes in Pushya Nakshatra during Diwali.

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These constellations are inauspicious

If clothes are taken in Bharani, Kritika and Mrigaseera Nakshatras, there is a possibility of their getting destroyed. Apart from this, new clothes should not be taken in Punarvasu, Adra and Ashlesha Nakshatra. Buying new clothes in Purvaphalguni and Jeshtha Nakshatras can cause hindrance in work, so buying and wearing clothes in Purvashadha, Uttarasadha and other remaining Nakshatras is not considered correct according to astrology.