Bharat Express

Cold & Flue: Scientific Breakthrough Finally Reveals Reason of Catching Flue

Cold & Flue: Germs are anyways present year-round, nevertheless there is a question : Why do people catch more colds, flu and now Covid-19 during the days of winters?

Cold & Flue

Cold & Flue are winter burden

Cold & Flue: If winter comes, flue can not be far behind. Chill in the air means — it’s time for flue and cold. When people around your suddenly start sneezing, sniffling or worse. It’s almost like those pesky cold and flu germs flying around with the first blast of winter weather.

Cold & Flue: Germs are anyways present year-round, nevertheless there is a question : Why do people catch more colds, flu and now Covid-19 during the days of winters?

Cold & Flue: In the scientific breakthrough, science researchers through a new study tried to find the biological reason why we catch more respiratory illnesses in winter. The research shows the the cold air itself damages the nose immune response in our body. .

Through the first biologic, molecular explanation related to innate human immunity, the research also shows that our immunity appears to be limited by colder temperatures.

The report says reducing the temperature within the nose by as little as five degrees Celsius kills nearly fifty percent of the billions of bacteria and virus-fighting cells within the nostrils.

The study published in The Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology also says that cold air is accompanied with increased viral infection due to your essentially lost half of immunity just by a small drop in temperature.

Actually respiratory bacteria or virus invades the nose. Nose being the main point of entry into the body for them gets helpful. The nose front immediately detects the germ, well before the back of the nose comes to know of the intruder. Now the cells lining the nose right away start creating billions of simple copies of themselves which are called EVs. or extracellular vesicles.

The experts say that extracellular vesicles cannot divide like cells can, but they are like small mini versions of cells which are specifically designed to go and kill these viruses inside nose.

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Further they add that the EVs act as decoys, thus now if we inhale a virus, the virus sticks to these decoys not to the cells. Then the “Mini Me’s” are expelled by the cells into mucus (nasal mucus, snot), when they stop invading germs prior to getting to their destinations and multiply.

The scientist finally say – this is one part of the immune system which leaves human to go fight the viruses and bacteria prior to their actual intrusion into our body. Now to get rid of the problem we have to work on using food for boosting our immune system