Delhi Police has filed an application in Rouse Avenue Court to seek permission to interrogate Sahil and Vijay, two alleged associates of the notorious Kapil Sangwan alias Nandu gang. Both individuals are currently in judicial custody in connection with the Singla Sweet firing case. The police also suspect their involvement in the triple murder case in Panchkula, Haryana. In addition, Delhi Police is requesting the court to issue non-bailable warrants against other wanted members of the Nandu gang.
According to Delhi Police, the gang, headed by Nandu who is believed to be operating from London, is involved in running an extortion racket across Delhi and neighboring states. Furthermore, Nandu is reportedly responsible for coordinating other criminal activities through his network. Due to the scale of their organized crime, the Crime Branch had imposed the Maharashtra Control of Organized Crime Act (MCOCA) on the entire syndicate years ago.
Last year, the police uncovered evidence revealing that Nandu and Aam Aadmi Party MLA Naresh Baliyan had exchanged over 40 phone calls. Both individuals are also wanted in connection with multiple violent crimes, including shootings in Tilak Nagar and Kakrola, as well as the brutal triple murder in Panchkula.
High-Profile Arrests And Ongoing Investigations
The investigation into the Nandu gang has led to significant developments. Both Sahil and Vijay were arrested by Delhi Police in Bengaluru, Karnataka, and several items were seized from their possession, including three mobile phones and Rs 2 lakh in cash. The Special Cell of Delhi Police has conducted raids in Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, and Rajasthan to capture other members of the gang.
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Authorities have registered a wide range of serious charges against the accused, including murder, attempt to murder, robbery, extortion, and violations of the MCOCA and Arms Act. The police have been monitoring the accused using technical surveillance for several months.
Criminal Histories Of Sahil And Vijay
Sahil’s criminal record dates back to 2018, when he was first arrested for robbery in Najafgarh. While in prison, he reportedly came into contact with Sachin Chikkara, a key figure in the Nandu gang. After his release, Sahil continued his criminal activities under the gang’s orders, including the murder of Roshan alias Chhota in Najafgarh.
On the other hand, Vijay Gehlot is described as an active member of the Nandu gang with a particularly violent track record. He is a known criminal in the Kakrola area of Delhi and faces multiple non-bailable warrants in several murder cases. Gehlot is considered one of Nandu’s most trusted operatives.
As investigations unfold, Delhi Police is determined to crack down on the Nandu gang’s criminal operations, and their efforts to question Sahil and Vijay will be pivotal in moving the case forward. The court’s decision on the police’s request is awaited, and authorities remain committed to apprehending all key players involved in the gang’s illicit activities.
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