Kanpur: In the Rawatpur police station area on Friday night, in connection with a money transaction case, a young man was first kidnapped, beaten, stripped, and videoed. The police, acting on the information, registered a case in this regard arrested five people, and interrogated them. Kalyanpur’s Assistant Police
Commissioner Abhishek Kumar Pandey said on Saturday that a young man complained to the Rawatpur police station alleging that a resident of his locality along with his four companions forcibly took away the money late on Friday night. First, he was beaten and then he was stripped and a video was made, because he expressed his inability to pay Rs 2,000, which the victim had borrowed from the accused.
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The police registered a case in this regard under various sections including kidnapping and IT Act and started an investigation. The police team has arrested five people involved in this incident and is interrogating them.
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