Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath announced plans to build a Krishna Temple in Mathura after completing the Ram Temple in Ayodhya. He urged Hindus to unite, warning against division and its dangers.
Speaking at a rally in Nala, Jamtara, Adityanath accused the JMM-led government of looting Jharkhand’s natural resources. He said the coalition misused central funds provided by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and allowed infiltration by Bangladeshi migrants and Rohingyas.
Adityanath claimed the coalition supported illegal mining and protected mafia operations. He said the BJP would recover looted wealth using a “bulldozer” if it gained power. He accused the administration of enabling “land jihad” and “love jihad” to flourish in Jharkhand.
Adityanath emphasized building the Krishna Temple as a priority after Ayodhya. He blamed the Congress-JMM alliance for delaying the Ram Temple and dividing the state with their policies.
He urged voters to reject the coalition and support the BJP. Adityanath said only a united community and decisive leadership could bring peace and development to Jharkhand.
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