West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee takes a strong jibe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi and likens him to the mythological character ‘Kumbhakarna’, alleging that he was sleeping like Kumbhakarna amidst atrocities against women, Muslims, and Dalits across the country. While asserting that her government acted against the accused in the Sandeshkhali incident, she questioned PM Modi about the action taken by the government against those who perpetrated atrocities on Sakshi Malik, an Indian freestyle wrestler. Mamata Banerjee underscored that the accused was made a leader and no FIR has been filed against him.
CM Mamata Banerjee asked PM Modi, “Tell me what action did you (PM Modi) take against the accused persons who perpetrated atrocities on Sakshi Malik, who won a medal for the country. You made him a leader, and not a single FIR has been filed against him.”
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Accusing PM Modi of his indifference to atrocities, she said, “Modi babu, you were sleeping when Bilkis was killed.” She further added, “You were sleeping like Kumbhakarna when Muslims and Dalits were being humiliated in Hathras. When people were killed in Assam during the NRC, at that time also you were sleeping.”
CM Mamta Banerjee’s criticism came a day after PM Modi targeted the Trinamool Congress government over the Sandeshkhali issue. He accused TMC of shielding the accused individuals in the case.
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