Actress Kangana Ranaut reaffirmed her mistaken statement, declaring Subhas Chandra Bose as the first Prime Minister of India amidst widespread criticism on social media. Ranaut, who is also the Bharatiya Janata Party’s Lok Sabha candidate from Himachal Pradesh’s Mandi, took to Twitter to defend her stance. Sharing a screenshot of a news article highlighting Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose’s formation of the Azad Hind government in Singapore on October 21, 1943, and his self-declaration as the first Prime Minister, Ranaut used it as a rebuttal to the mocking and criticism she faced after a video surfaced showing her making the historically inaccurate statement at an event. Many social media users had called her out, questioning her general knowledge.
In her tweet, Ranaut asserted her position, stating, “All those who are giving me gyan on first PM of Bharata do read this screen shot here’s some general knowledge for the beginners, all those geniuses who are asking me to get some education must know that I have written, acted, directed a film called Emergency which primarily revolves around Nehru family so no mansplaining please.” She further dismissed her critics by stating, “If I speak way ahead of your IQ you assume I must be uninformed, well the joke is on you and it’s a lame one!! (yawn).”
On October 21, 1943, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose declared himself the first Prime Minister of India, the Head of State, and the Minister of War. This declaration occurred during World War II, when he established the Azad Hind government in Singapore.
Meanwhile, some opposition leaders criticized Kangana Ranaut for her ‘first PM’ remark. Without directly mentioning her, Bharatiya Rashtriya Samithi leader KT Rama Rao wrote, “One BJP candidate from North says Subash Chandra Bose was our first PM!! And another BJP leader from South says Mahatma Gandhi was our PM!! Where did all these people graduate from?” CPIM leader Subhashini Ali also tweeted, “Kangana Ranaut should know that Netaji was the head of the PROVISIONAL GOVT OF AZAD HIND not of the govt of India.”
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