Bharat Express

Viral Video: Overwhelming Reunion Of ‘Sarus’ And Arif Leaves Internet With Teary Eyes, BJP MP Reacts  

The video shows an overwhelming reunion of Arif with his ‘Sarus’, he found the now-popular Sarus crane a year ago in his field while the bird was badly injured.

sarus and Arif

Arif and his Sarus

A video of farmer Muhammad Arif has gone viral. The video shows an overwhelming reunion of him with his ‘Sarus’. Arif found the now-popular Sarus crane a year ago in his field while the bird was badly injured. He took care of the crane and brought him back to his normal health.

The Sarus was taken by the Uttar Pradesh forest officials as it was not allowed to keep Sarus as in a household. The meeting happened at Allen Forest Zoo in Kanpur. The meeting lasted for “just 5 minutes”.

The emotional reunion can leave anyone in tears

On seeing him in the zoo, Arif called Sarus and asked him how is he. On hearing that, the bird was elated and started jumping. Arif told the media, “As soon as I said ‘How are you’, he (the crane) started jumping around excitedly.” “His reaction was the same as earlier when I used to come home after four to five hours,” he added.

While Arif had set the bird free after its recovery, the crane had refused to leave and continued to stay with Arif’s family for about a year. When the crane saw Arif on Tuesday, it sprung about with apparent excitement. Videos of the meeting show Arif standing outside and the crane inside a cage within an enclosure, where it is being quarantined.

The meeting was emotional, Arif told media, adding that “the zoo vet had become tearful”. “He (the bird) was stressed that he couldn’t meet me properly. It was flapping its wings anxiously. I was worried its wings would hit the net (of the cage) and he would injure himself,” added Arif.

Also Read: Viral Video: Arijit Singh In Delhi Police Singing ‘Aabaad Barbaad’, Drives The Internet Crazy

“The story of Sarus and Arif is special!,” tweets BJP MP

After this matter gained such limelight, BJP MP tweeted to express his feelings. BJP MP, Varun Gandhi in his tweet said, “The story of Sarus and Arif is special! Their happiness in meeting each other shows that their love is pure. This gorgeous creature is made to fly in the free sky, not to live in a cage. Give him back his sky, his freedom, and his friend.”

This story has shown that humans still have humanity and are connected to nature.