On Friday morning, Margaret MacLeod, the spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State, was warmly welcomed at the headquarters of the Bharat Express News Network in Noida. During her visit, she engaged in discussions with the channel’s Group Managing Editor, Radheshyam Rai, Group Editor-Digital, Dr. Praveen Tiwari, and Varun Kohli, the CEO along with other senior personnel. Additionally, Margaret MacLeod conducted a video call with Upendra Rai, the Chairman, MD, and Editor-in-Chief of Bharat Express, who is presently in Mumbai for official duties.
During their conversation, Chairman Upendra Rai expressed gratitude for Margaret MacLeod’s visit to the Bharat Express office and commended her fluency in Hindi and Urdu, which contributed to her popularity in India. He discussed the robust India-USA bilateral relations and highlighted Margaret’s significant role as a spokesperson. Chairman Rai expressed his intention to engage in a more detailed discussion with her in the near future. Margaret currently works at the London-based International Media Hub of the U.S. Department of State, often handling assignments related to India. Chairman Upendra Rai has expressed his interest in meeting her during his upcoming visit to London.
Margaret MacLeod gathered information about the Indian media, especially focusing on Bharat Express’s mission, public engagement issues, and various aspects of news media. She also discussed India-US relations during her conversation with Bharat Express. However, she declined to comment on the Israel-Hamas conflict, stating that in rapidly changing circumstances, it would not be appropriate to make any statements.
Recently, during the G20 Summit in New Delhi, Margaret MacLeod gained attention for her ability to speak pure Hindi. She has an extensive background in foreign and domestic assignments with the US Foreign Service. Her educational background includes a doctoral degree in Sustainable Development from Columbia University, a graduate degree in International Economics from Georgetown University, and she also studied at the Delhi School of Economics as a Rotary Scholar.
Margaret MacLeod not only has a strong command of Hindi but can also speak Urdu and Gujarati. In addition to these languages, she is familiar with French and Japanese. During the G20 Summit, she spoke highly of India’s hospitality and expressed her fondness for Delhi’s Old Fort and the Red Fort. US Department of State Spokesperson Margaret MacLeod Visits India Express Office to Gain Insights into Indian Media.
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