In a shocking incident that unfolded in Bengaluru, a scientist associated with a prestigious institute was assaulted by a gang of four unidentified individuals on motorcycles. The attackers proceeded to vandalize both the front and rear windows of his car, causing extensive damage. The unsettling incident was brought to the public’s attention when the scientist, Ashutosh Singh, shared his terrifying encounter on Twitter.
According to Ashutosh’s account, the distressing incident occurred at approximately 12:45 am on August 24 along Ravuthanahalli Road in the northwestern part of Bengaluru. He recounted how he was persistently pursued by the four assailants on bikes for several kilometres. Their menacing behaviour escalated as they subjected him to threats before resorting to a violent attack, using swords to shatter the windshield and rear glass of his car.
In an attempt to document the incident and seek support, Ashutosh posted an image of his extensively damaged vehicle on social media. Accompanying the image was a caption that provided a succinct description of the harrowing incident. The caption read, “On August 24, at 12:45 am, I narrowly escaped an encounter with local troublemakers on Rauthanahalli Main Road. They made a deliberate attempt to halt my car, pursued me with swords, and ultimately shattered the rear glass. The delayed response from the police only added to the distress. Today, I am lodging an FIR at Madanayakanahalli PS, seeking justice for this traumatic incident. Swift intervention is urgently required!” The post urgently called for prompt action from law enforcement.
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In response to the incident, the Madanayakanalli police promptly registered a First Information Report (FIR) against the unidentified culprits. The charges specified in the FIR include criminal intimidation and wrongful confinement. Acknowledging the gravity of the situation, Alok Kumar, the Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) for Traffic, regarded the incident as a serious matter and assured the public that robust measures would be taken to bring the perpetrators to justice.
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