In Chennai, Udhayanidhi Stalin has shrugged off an alleged threat to his life, emphasizing his family’s history of dedication to Tamil Nadu. A seer in Uttar Pradesh had reportedly placed a 10-crore bounty on the sports minister’s head following his controversial comments on “Sanatana Dharma.”
Speaking at an event in Chennai, Udhayanidhi Stalin responded to the threat with humor, saying, “A 10-rupee comb is enough to comb my head,” highlighting the wordplay in Tamil.
He continued, “This is not new to us. We are not the ones who are afraid of all these threats. I am the grandson of the artist who put his head on the rail track for Tamil,” referencing a historic protest led by his grandfather, M Karunanidhi, in 1953.
Karunanidhi, a five-time Chief Minister, had led the rationalist and anti-Brahmin Dravidian movement initiated by Periyar.
Udhayanidhi’s recent comments about “Sanatana Dharma” had sparked controversy and political discussions. He reiterated his stance, explaining the Dravidian model’s principles of change and opposition to caste-based discrimination.
The DMK, founded on the rationalist principles of Periyar, has a long history of opposing Sanatana Dharma due to its association with caste-based oppression and inequality.
The controversy surrounding Udhayanidhi’s remarks has had political implications, with differing reactions from various parties ahead of upcoming state polls and general elections.
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