Abhishek Ghosalkar, a former Shiv Sena corporator and the son of a former MLA, tragically lost his life in a shooting incident in the Dahisar area of Mumbai on Thursday. Abhishek was critically injured and rushed to Karuna Hospital in Borivali, where he succumbed to his injuries. This incident has sparked concerns about the law and order situation in Maharashtra, especially following a recent incident involving a BJP MLA firing at an Eknath Shinde faction leader inside a police station in Ulhasnagar.
Abhishek, the son of Vinod Goshalkar, a veteran of Uddhav’s party, held the position of chairman of the Mumbai Buildings Repairs and Reconstruction Board. His wife also served as a corporator.
Reports indicate that the attack occurred in the office of Mauris Noronha, also known as Mauris Bhai, with whom Abhishek had a personal feud. However, recent reconciliation led to Abhishek being invited to an event at Mauris Noronha’s office. According to ANI, Mauris Bhai allegedly shot Abhishek before turning the gun on himself, with the entire incident livestreamed on Facebook.
Anand Dubey, spokesperson for Uddhav Sena, expressed grave concerns about the safety of public representatives in Maharashtra under the leadership of Eknath Shinde and Devendra Fadnavis. Dubey questioned the government’s commitment to ensuring public safety, citing Sanjay Raut’s remarks about the government fostering a culture of muscle power. He emphasized the urgency of addressing these security issues, particularly in light of the critical condition of their former corporator, while criticizing the government’s rhetoric about establishing a “Ram-rajya”.
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