Seema Haider, who was recently offered a role in a film, is now in the spotlight as she is being approached to contest the Lok Sabha Election 2024. According to reports, Union Minister Ramdas Athawale’s Republican Party of India (RPI), an ally of the NDA, has sought her to join the party. Surprisingly, it is said that Seema has accepted the offer. However, it’s worth noting that Seema Haider was arrested by the Uttar Pradesh Police’s Anti-Terrorist Squad on July 4 and has since been extensively questioned.
The reports indicate that Seema Haider is expected to be appointed as the president of the RPI’s women’s wing and also serve as a party spokesperson, given her impressive speaking style. National Vice President of RPI, Masoom Kishore, has confirmed this development. He mentioned that Seema Haider is originally a Pakistani citizen who came to India. To join the party and contest elections, Seema needs to receive clearance from security agencies and acquire Indian citizenship. Kishore also emphasized that Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar’s law allows those with Indian citizenship to contest elections anywhere.
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Interestingly, prior reports stated that Seema, a Pakistani national, is set to portray the role of a RAW officer in an upcoming movie titled ‘A Tailor Murder Story,’ based on the murder of Udaipur tailor Kanhaiya Lal. Representatives from Jani Firefox Production House, the film’s production company, reportedly met Seema Haider in Greater Noida to discuss the project.
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