On Tuesday, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and his cousin, Varun Gandhi, who is a BJP MP from Uttar Pradesh, had a brief meeting at the Kedarnath temple while offering prayers, according to sources. This meeting between the cousins, who are rarely seen together in public, has sparked speculation about Varun Gandhi’s political future.
Varun Gandhi, the son of Sanjay and Maneka Gandhi, has not been present at key BJP gatherings in recent months, and his stance on crucial issues, including the now-repealed farm laws, has sometimes differed from the party’s official position.
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Sources have indicated that the Gandhis had a short and warm meeting outside the revered shrine, where they exchanged pleasantries. It’s worth noting that despite their infrequent meetings, they have maintained cordial relations.
The sources also clarified that the meeting was not a political discussion. It’s important to mention that during a press conference last year, when asked about whether Varun Gandhi would be welcome in the Congress, Rahul Gandhi stated that while anyone was welcome, Varun had embraced the ideology of the BJP/RSS, which the Congress was actively opposing.
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Rahul Gandhi has been in Kedarnath, Uttarakhand, for the past three days, while Varun Gandhi visited the temple dedicated to Lord Shiva with his family on Tuesday.
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