Gautam Budh Nagar Police Commissionerate has intensified security measures across the city under the leadership of Police Commissioner Smt. Laxmi Singh. In a coordinated effort, DCP Noida Shri Rambadan Singh, ADCP Noida Shri Manish Kumar Mishra, and ACP First Noida Shri Praveen Kumar Singh led a team comprising police officers, the Bomb Disposal Squad (BDDS), and the dog squad to conduct foot patrolling in high-traffic areas.
The team focused their efforts on crowded locations, including malls and metro stations, within the jurisdiction of Sector-20 and Sector-39 police stations. They carefully assessed security arrangements, inspected suspicious individuals, and reviewed overall preparedness. During the operation, officers conducted thorough checks and issued directives to enhance surveillance.
Police Commissioner Laxmi Singh emphasized the importance of proactive measures to ensure public safety. As part of the initiative, police station in-charges were instructed to establish barricades and inspect every vehicle that appeared suspicious. Additionally, all Police Control Room (PCR) and Police Response Vehicle (PRV) teams were directed to maintain continuous patrolling in their assigned areas.
This proactive approach aims to bolster public confidence and deter potential security threats in Gautam Budh Nagar.
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