Jamal Siddiqui, the National President of BJP Minority Morcha, arrived in Ajmer on Saturday to present a ceremonial cloth (chadar) sent by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the holy shrine of Khwaja Moinuddin Hasan Chishti. As the chadar approached Ajmer Dargah, fireworks illuminated the sky, and Qawwali performances added to the festive atmosphere. Jamal Siddiqui, representing PM Modi, offered the velvet sheet at the shrine, praying for peace in the country. During the presentation, he read out the Prime Minister’s message, emphasizing the enrichment of cultural traditions by Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti.
Due to the VIP chadar’s arrival, the police administration implemented special security measures, navigating through the crowds of pilgrims. The officials presented the chadar inside Ajmer Dargah, where they met with the National President and officials of the Minority Morcha, sharing the significance of the occasion.
In his message for the 812th Urs Mubarak of Khwaja Moinuddin Hasan Chishti, PM Narendra Modi extended greetings to the followers and devotees. He highlighted the influence of saints and fakirs in inspiring people with their life ideals, promoting the right path, and spreading messages of peace, goodwill, and brotherhood. PM Modi specifically praised Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti for enriching India’s cultural tradition, emphasizing the annual Urs celebration as a recognition of cultural diversity and a reinforcement of societal bonds.
Various dignitaries, including prayer lawyer Gaddinashin Syed Afshan Chishti, Haji Syed Salman Chishti, Chairman of Chishti Foundation, and others, participated in the ceremonies, offering prayers and readings. The event drew the presence of notable figures from the Dargah, Anjuman members, and community leaders, creating a celebratory atmosphere.
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