Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed concern regarding the stone-pelting incident targeting Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy on Saturday, extending wishes for his swift recovery and good health. In a message shared on his official X handle, PM Modi stated, “I pray for the speedy recovery and good health of Andhra Pradesh CM YS Jagan Garu.”
The incident occurred during the ‘Memantha Siddham’ bus yatra in Vijayawada on Saturday evening, resulting in Chief Minister Jagan sustaining a deep gash under his eyebrow. Sources within the ruling YSR Congress reported that an unidentified individual threw a stone at the chief minister, causing an external injury to his left eyebrow. Immediate first aid was provided to CM Jagan on the bus, following which he continued his journey.
Condemning the attack, ruling YSRCP leader KK Raju, who is also the party’s candidate for the upcoming assembly polls from the North constituency, led a protest against the incident. Raju, alongside hundreds of party supporters, staged a sit-in and voiced slogans denouncing the assault on the chief minister.
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Accusing the principal opposition force in the state, the TDP, along with its NDA partners BJP and Jana Sena Party, of orchestrating the stone-pelting, YSRCP leader Raju asserted, “The TDP and its allies (BJP and JSP) were behind this attack. They pelted stones at Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy’s convoy.”
State IT Minister Gudivada Amarnath also condemned the attack, highlighting the widespread condemnation from YSRCP activists and supporters worldwide.
Alleging historical animosity from the TDP, Minister Amarnath asserted, “The TDP, which was responsible for the murder of Vangaveeti Mohana Ranga in the same Vijayawada area, orchestrated the stone pelting at CM Jagan today.”
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Notably, the Telugu Desam Party (TDP), BJP, and Jana Sena Party (JSP) had earlier announced plans to contest the Lok Sabha and assembly elections in the state jointly. The elections for the 25 Lok Sabha seats and 175 assembly constituencies in Andhra Pradesh are scheduled to be held simultaneously on May 13, with vote counting slated for June 4.
To secure a majority and form the government independently in the state, a party must win at least 88 of the 175 assembly seats.
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