Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the lower house of Parliament (Lok Sabha) on Monday. PM Modi mentioned a few lines speech of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, former Prime Minister of India and slammed him for his remarks. In addition to this, PM Modi attacked the opposition but in a rather sarcastic way. He applauded the opposition for their ‘resolve to remain in the opposition’, by which he basically meant that they won’t be able to get to the power in 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
He said, “I appreciate the Opposition’s resolve to remain in the opposition for a long time…The way you sat here (in govt) for many decades, the same way you resolve to sit there (in opposition)…The public will certainly give you its blessings…”
In his speech, PM Modi said about a speech given by the former Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru from the Red Fort on the occasion of Independence Day in 1959, “The mentality of the Congress has caused a lot of loss to the country. Congress never believed in the strength of the country, they considered themselves rulers and underestimated the people. Nehru ji had said from the Red Fort – India does not have the habit of working hard…. We don’t work as much as Europe, Japan, China, Russia and America do. Nehru ji’s view towards Indians was that Indians were lazy and of low intelligence.”
PM Modi said, “When the President came to address us in this new building of Parliament and with the pride and respect with which Sengol and the entire procession was led, we all followed her. When this new tradition in the new House witnesses the reflection of that sacred moment of India’s independence, the dignity of democracy goes up manifold.”
Taking a jibe at the opposition, PM Modi said, “The way you people (opposition) are working hard these days. I firmly believe that the public will definitely bless you. And you will definitely reach a higher height than what you are at and will be seen in the audience in the next elections. They failed to fulfill their responsibility as the opposition…I have always said that the country needs a good opposition.”
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “I see that many people among you (opposition) have lost the courage to contest elections. I have heard that many people are planning to change seats. Many people now want to go to Rajya Sabha instead of Lok Sabha.”
PM further said, “Congress got a huge opportunity to become a good opposition and 10 years is not less. But he completely failed to fulfill that responsibility even in 10 years. When he himself failed, there were more promising people in the opposition and they too were not allowed to emerge. Due to launching the same product again and again, the Congress shop has come to the point of being locked.”
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