Five people arrested in connection with the Rs 5,000 crore drug seizure from Gujarat were presented in Patiala House Court. The court has sent all five on police remand until October 19. The Delhi Police Special Cell, in a joint operation with Gujarat Police, recovered the drugs, allegedly supplied to a pharma company in Delhi NCR.
The arrested individuals include the owner and middleman linked to the illegal supply. The police recovered 518 kg of drugs from the premises of Aavkar Drugs Limited Company. Earlier, the Special Cell recovered 762 kg of cocaine in two separate operations. On October 1, 562 kg was seized in Mahipalpur, and 200 kg was found on October 10 in Ramesh Nagar.
The drugs have been traced back to Aavkar Drugs Limited of Gujarat and Pharma Solutions Services. Police are investigating links to an international syndicate operating from Dubai and the UK. Virendra Basoya, identified as the mastermind in Dubai, and Tushar Goyal, a key accused, are under scrutiny. The Congress denied Goyal’s affiliation, stating he was expelled from the party in 2022 due to anti-party activities.
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