At the Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi on Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave the first-ever National Creators Award. The awards were given across 20 categories, including the best storyteller, the disruptor, celebrity creator, green champion, the best creator for social change, most impactful agri creator, cultural ambassador, best travel creator, swachhta ambassador, new India champion, tech creator, heritage fashion, most creative creator (male and female), the best creator in food category, the best creator in education and international creator award.
Amongst the winners, was Keerthika Govindhasamy who was felicitated with the title of ‘Best Storyteller’ at the National Creators Award. The glory bagged by the creator has a really heart-wrenching back story that she shared in a social media post on Instagram. The girl belongs to a fairly backward area of India and to come up to this level was surely a walk of thorns for her.
Sharing images of her receiving award from Prime Minister Modi, she wrote a brief about her entire journey which started with her sharing, “I was 15 then. One night I heard my father crying bcoz people in the village badmouthed about me. All my life, they were ashamed of me….”
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The caption explained the plight of girls living in her region. The journey that she has gone through is definitely inspiring, but at the same time it forces one to think about the condition of people and especially girls living in backward areas of the nation.
But the day when Keerthika Govindhasamy got the award was when all the hard work paid off. The caption of the post explained her feelings as she was receiving the award. It read, “. I can’t explain this feeling man. They (Keerthika Govindhasamy’s parents) were on cloud nine when I saw them. The way they looked at me. Man, I won in life. I won in life.”
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