On Wednesday, a five-year-old boy in Bihar’s Supaul district brought a gun to a private boarding school and shot a Class 3 student. The incident occurred at St. John’s Boarding School in Lalpatti, Triveniganj, before the morning assembly.
The young boy, a Nursery student, took his father’s pistol, hid it in his schoolbag, and brought it to school. After the assembly, he fired the gun at a Class 3 student named Mohammad Asif, aged around 10-12 years. The bullet hit Asif’s left hand, and he was immediately taken to the sub-divisional hospital for treatment. Doctors have confirmed that Asif is out of danger.
According to Asif’s uncle, the boy aimed at Asif’s chest, but Asif ran upon seeing the gun, causing the bullet to hit his left palm instead. The incident caused panic in the school. The administration quickly informed the police, who arrived at the scene to begin their investigation.
Police are currently investigating how the young boy accessed the weapon. The boy’s father works as a security guard. Following the shooting, upset parents and locals vandalized the school.
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