Bharat Express

Muslim World League Secretary General’s Visit Is An Opportunity To Deepen The Cooperation Between India and Saudi: NSA Ajit Doval  

NSA of India in his address even praised India for its welcoming nature. He said, “India welcomed Arab exiles (in the court of Raja Dahir of Sindh), Jews, Tibetans, Parsis, Shias, Bangladeshis, Afghans and many others with open arms.”

India and Saudi

National Security Advisor, Ajit Doval

National Security Advisor, Ajit Doval on Tuesday expressed that Muslim World League Secretary General’s Visit is an opportunity to deepen the cooperation between India and Saudi Arabia. He further stated that “We hope that your visit will pave the way for greater cooperation between India and Saudi Arabia and further strengthen the ties between our two nations.”

World League Secretary General – Sheikh Dr. Mohammed bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa is on an India visit, and also addressed the gathering during an event at the India Islamic Cultural Centre. The Secretary-General is on a visit to India. Al-Issa was praised by Mr. Doval as a profound scholar with a thorough knowledge of Islam and as an authentic global voice of moderate Islam.

“Islam occupies a unique and significant position,” claims Mr. Doval

In his speech, Mr. Doval brought up that India is home to the second largest Muslim population in the world. He said that the community also holds a significant place in the nation. He said, “…Among its numerous religious groups, Islam occupies a unique and significant position, with India being home to the second-largest Muslim population in the world. In fact, to give an idea of the scale we are talking about, Indian Muslim population is almost equal to the combined population of around 33 member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.”

Also Read: “India’s Diversity Is a Beautiful Example Of How To Live Together,” Says Abdulkarim Al-Issa At The India Islamic Culture Centre

NSA hails ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’

NSA of India in his address even praised India for its welcoming nature. He said, “India welcomed Arab exiles (in the court of Raja Dahir of Sindh), Jews, Tibetans, Parsis, Shias, Bangladeshis, Afghans and many others with open arms. This enduring tradition of accommodation is a testament to India being a deeply rooted multiethnic, multi-religious, and multilingual society. ”

He also expressed, “This philosophy of cooperation and dialogue in Islam has over the centuries merged seamlessly with the ancient Hindu civilizational tradition of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam – The World is One Family’. It was not a quirk of history but it was only by being open to accommodating various worldviews and ideas, interactions, and assimilations of various cultures, beliefs, and practices that India emerged as a sanctuary for persecuted people of all faiths from across the world since times immemorial.”