Bharat Express

Mission Successful! All 7 Satellites Placed In The Targeted Orbits After The Launch Of PSLV-C56

When the DS-SAR satellite is launched and turned on, it will be essential in supplying the various government departments in Singapore with the satellite imagery they require.

Launch Of PSLV-C56

Launch Of PSLV-C56

In the early hours of Sunday, the successful launch of PSLV-C56 (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) was executed from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota. It was carrying Singapore’s DS-SAR satellite and six co-passenger satellites. All of them has entered the orbits that they were supposed to enter.

A New Space India Ltd project

The principal satellite, DS-SAR, a Radar Imaging Earth Observation Satellite, and six co-passenger spacecraft were launched of PSLV-C56 in a dedicated commercial mission carried out by NewSpace India Ltd, the commercial arm of ISRO. These satellites were launched with the intention of supplying Singaporean clients.

Appreciation on successful launch Of PSLV-C56 from ISRO Chief

ISRO Chairman, S Somanath said, “The PSLV-C56 carrying seven satellites including primary satellite DS-SAR and six co-passenger satellites have been successfully placed in the right orbits. “This is the mission of the PSLV for NSIL and I want to congratulate the customers sponsored by Government of Singapore for having this mission on board PSLV and their continued faith in our PSLV for deploying the spacecrafts (satellites) from Singapore,” he said at the Mission Control Centre. “Congratulations once again to NSIL for the Singapore satellites which have been onboard this mission and the very perfect orbit that this time we have got. But at this moment I thank all of you for watching this mission early morning this day and supporting us and congratulating us and we want to specifically tell you that we are going to come back with another PSLV mission soon in the month of August or early September”

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Also Read: ISRO Launches Second Successful Space Mission In Just 2 Week; PSLV-C56 Launched With Seven Foreign Satellites

What happens next after  successful launch Of PSLV-C56

When the DS-SAR satellite is launched and turned on, it will be essential in supplying the various government departments in Singapore with the satellite imagery they require. In order to provide their business customers with multi-modal and incredibly responsive images and geospatial services, ST Engineering intends to make use of its capabilities.

On Saturday, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) announced that its dependable workhorse, PSLV, known for successfully placing satellites into their correct orbits, will launch on its 58th flight and 17th mission with Core Alone Configuration.