Today, an alarming incident unfolded within the premises of the Karnataka High Court as a man purportedly attempted to take his own life in front of Chief Justice Nilay Vipinchandra Anjaria in Court Hall One. According to reports from the police, the individual identified as Srinivas, hailing from Mysuru, handed over a file to the security personnel stationed at the entrance of Court Hall One. Without warning, he then proceeded to slit his throat with a knife in the presence of Chief Justice Anjaria.
Prompt action from the security team averted a tragedy as they swiftly intervened and rushed Srinivas to Bowring Hospital for urgent medical attention. A senior police official confirmed that Srinivas is currently undergoing treatment at the hospital. The motive behind his drastic actions remains unclear, as no suicide note was discovered at the scene, leaving authorities puzzled.
Chief Justice Anjaria has voiced serious concerns regarding the security breach within the High Court premises, questioning how the individual managed to carry a sharp object inside. He has directed the police to thoroughly investigate the matter and gather evidence from the scene. Additionally, the contents of the file handed over by Srinivas remain undisclosed, with the court asserting that it will not examine the documents since they were not presented by a designated advocate.
In light of this incident, the High Court has emphasized that authorities should refrain from accepting any documents without the court’s explicit authorization. The episode has underscored the importance of stringent security measures within the court complex to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.
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