During the ongoing Maha Kumbh-2025 in Prayagraj, renowned poet Kumar Vishwas will captivate devotees with his musical Ram Katha titled Apne Apne Ram. The event will take place at Ganga Manch, Prayagraj, on 20, 21, and 22 January, starting at 4 p.m. Vishwas, known for his soul-stirring songs dedicated to Lord Ram, has been performing these devotional pieces across various platforms for years.
Vishwas Trust has also announced that the Apne Apne Ram musical Ram Katha will be held in Agra prior to the Prayagraj event. The program is scheduled for 18 and 19 January at JP Wedding Square Tree Hilton, Fatehabad Road, Agra. The first session in Agra will take place on Saturday, 18 January, at 5:30 p.m.
Apne Apne Ram presents the story of Lord Ram from a fresh, modern perspective, blending ancient traditions with contemporary insights. The musical narrative explores the timeless ideals of Lord Ram, portraying his life’s struggles, sacrifices, and triumphs in a manner that resonates with today’s society.
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Kumar Vishwas, through his unique poetic style, presents Lord Ram’s journey not only from a religious standpoint but also as a human and social figure whose principles have universal relevance. By focusing on significant events like Ram’s exile, the battle with Ravana, and his commitment to righteousness, Vishwas emphasizes how the values of Lord Ram transcend time and can inspire individuals in various ways.
The core message of Apne Apne Ram is the idea that each individual has their own ‘Ram’—a personal connection to the ideals and teachings of Lord Ram. While the path to following those ideals may differ, the essence of his guidance is relevant to everyone. Vishwas’ narrative invites the audience to reflect on how Ram’s life and teachings can offer direction in their own.
Vishwas’ presentation is a unique blend of music, poetry, and storytelling that not only retells the classical tale of the Ramayana but also connects it with present-day issues and experiences. This approach allows listeners to understand and internalize Lord Ram’s messages in a deeper, more meaningful way.
Apne Apne Ram is more than just a retelling of ancient stories; it is a modern re-examination of Lord Ram’s ideals, offering valuable lessons for today’s society and encouraging individuals to draw inspiration from his life.
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