Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Saturday said,” Karnataka will come up with a new industrial policy to encourage exports. In the past, the state’s industrial policy was well appreciated by the industry fraternity as it was known to be the most progressive. The government will hold discussions with industrialists and exporters to bring out a new and progressive industrial policy” he added.
The CM stated that his government gives high priority to the promotion of industries, he said only with rapid industrialization generation of employment is possibleSiddaramaiah said the State Export Excellence Awards are an endeavor to highlight the greatest achievements of exporters while speaking at an event to deliver the awards, which was arranged by the Department of Commerce and Industry and the Visvesvaraya Trade Promotion Centre.
Investment and Industry friendly policies to be made.
He declared that the government’s main goal will be to develop an investment- and industry-friendly policy. By generating employment possibilities, industrial growth will aid in reducing unemployment. To guarantee that young people receive the required training to increase their employability, the skill development department will be reinforced.
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Improving the GDP will also maintain the law and order situation in the state, he added. Industry Minister MB Patil said Karnataka has ranked number one in the country under the policy and business ecosystem parameters of the Export Preparedness Index by NITI Aayog for 2022.
NITI Aayog’s ranking was announced on July 17. Siddaramaiah said the exporters, who have won awards, are an inspiration to others. “Karnataka has sustained its rank at No 3 in the country. Let’s work together and bring the state to number one,” CM said. Deputy Chief Minister D.K. Shivakumar encouraged industrialization in Tier 2 and 3 cities to make sure everything does not become Bengaluru-centric. The government is committed to providing all support to investors, including exporters.
He added,” We are the number one choice when it comes to investments. This is a matter of pride for all of us,”
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