Firozabad: Tundla police station on Thursday caught an illegal arms factory running to influence the Lok Sabha elections. Finished, half-made pistols and equipment for making illegal weapons were recovered. One accused has been arrested from the spot. Additional Superintendent of Police, City, Sarvesh Kumar Mishra said that on information, Tundla police station in-charge Anuj Kumar, along with the police team, arrested the accused, Ravi, son of Ashok, resident of Chhikau police station, Pachokhara, in the ruins of the old Pashu Haat behind Kishan Hotel.
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Four pistols of 315 bore, one petunia of 315 bore, two semi-finished pistols of 315 bore, three small and big 12 bore pistols, three small and big 315 bore, seven small and big pistols, two small and big pistols, four small and big chisels, one cartridge 315 bore live, four saw blades etc. have been recovered.
The accused told the police that as the time of elections approaches, the demand for country-made pistols increases and in the upcoming elections the pistols are to be sold at higher prices. He makes and sells weapons. He has been to jail before also. He does illegal work to earn money for his luxurious habits. It costs Rs 500 to make a pistol and he sells it for Rs 4,000 to 5,000.
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