Bharat Express

Generational Changes: ‘Once In 30 Years, Now In 5 Years,’ Says Chairman Upendrra Rai At National Media Conclave 2023

During his address at the National Media Conclave 2023, Mr. Upendrra Rai delivered a thought-provoking discourse on the necessity of aligning human nature with the progression of time.

Generational Changes: 'Once in 30 Years, Now in 5 Years

Generational Changes: 'Once in 30 Years, Now in 5 Years

Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies (MRIIRS) is currently the host of the much-anticipated National Media Conclave 2023, a prestigious event in the realm of media and communication. The event has been graced by the presence of Mr. Upendrra Rai, a notable figure in the media industry, serving as the Chairman and CEO of the renowned Bharat Express media group. His arrival at the conclave was met with a warm and enthusiastic reception.

During his address at the National Media Conclave 2023, Mr. Upendrra Rai delivered a thought-provoking discourse on the necessity of aligning human nature with the progression of time. He underscored the fundamental nature of society, emphasizing its intrinsic drive to evolve, learn, and grow each day. This inherent drive includes the pursuit of new knowledge and a continuous process of personal transformation.

Mr. Rai delved into the fascinating subject of human development, spanning an astonishing three hundred thousand years of history. He elucidated that the rate of development achieved in the initial three hundred thousand years of human existence has been replicated in the subsequent three thousand years. Furthermore, the advancements witnessed in this three-thousand-year span have been compressed into the subsequent three hundred years. Astonishingly, the pace of development over the past thirty years has equaled that of the preceding three hundred years. This observation signifies the remarkable acceleration of technological progress and the transformation in how people work, a phenomenon acknowledged by psychologists.

Mr. Rai’s presentation also included the proposal of segmenting this vast timeline of human existence into five distinct phases. The first phase, he labeled the “Era of Gatherers and Hunters,” where human life closely mirrored that of animals. People exhibited limited courage to venture out after sunset, living and thinking in ways akin to animals. They engaged in hunting during the daylight hours and sought refuge in shelters during the night. The pivotal discovery of fire marked a turning point, granting humans newfound power and the ability to subdue larger animals.


The subsequent phase saw the evolution of communal living, leading to the formation and development of societies. Gradually, agricultural practices took root, giving rise to the emergence of villages. This shift laid the groundwork for the fourth phase, characterized by a transition from traditional handlooms to small-scale industries. This period can aptly be termed the “Semi-Industrial Revolution.”

Mr. Upendra Rai’s insights at the National Media Conclave 2023 served as a captivating exploration of the intricate tapestry of human progress, underscoring the profound impact of time, technology, and societal shifts on the human experience. His address left the audience with much to ponder regarding the remarkable journey of human evolution.